Pearson PDToolkit

Important Retirement Notice! The PDToolkit websites have retired.

If you are using the sixth edition of the Word Study (formerly Words Their Way) text, you can access the PDToolkit videos and PDFs using the link below. If you want access to the auto-scored spelling inventory and interactive sorts, you can purchase access to the new companion website at (register as a 'Teacher'). 

If you are using any of the following products, you can view supporting materials on this site.

  • The Flynt/Cooter Comprehensive Reading Inventory-2: Assessment of K-12 Reading Skills in English & Spanish, second edition
  • Intervention Strategies to Follow Informal Reading Inventory Assessment: So What Do I Do Now?, third edition
  • Analytical Reading Inventory: Comprehensive Standards-Based Assessment for All Students Including Gifted and Remedial, tenth edition
  • Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction, sixth edition
  • Word Study for PreK-K
  • Vocabulary Instruction: Word Study for Middle and Secondary Students, second edition
  • Word Study: Word Study with Middle and Secondary Students, second edition
  • Word Study with Multilingual Learners: Phonics, Spelling, and Vocabulary Instruction, second edition
  • Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally: The Professional Development Edition, first edition
  • Reading & Language Inventory, seventh edition
  • Every Child, Every Day: A Digital Conversion Model for Student Achievement, first edition